ENVIRONMENTAL campaigners held peaceful pickets at two Esso stations in Abergavenny on Saturday to highlight green issues.

Members of Greenpeace put up banners and handed information to motorists at the town's Esso petrol stations in Brecon Road and Hereford Road.

And in the town centre Friends of the Earth campaigners were also providing information about the protest to passing shoppers.

Friends of the Earth co-ordinator Barry Greenwood said there had been a good response to the intiative.

Greenpeace area networker Andy Parnell at the protest said: "We've handed a letter to each station manager to explain why we're doing this.

"And we're giving leaflets to drivers asking them to turn away."

* In the picture: Protester Betty Cotton outside the Esso station on Hereford Road, Abergavenny.