A WOMAN and her two sleeping children fled their home at the weekend after a car crashed into her back garden and burst into flames.

Miraculously, nobody was seriously hurt in the incident which occurred shortly after 1.30am on Saturday in the Thorn-hill area of Cwmbran.

One person from the car was treated for minor injuries at Newport's Royal Gwent Hospital.

Amy Chaney from Cwmbran said neighbours woke her and her two children up to get them out of the house because of fears the flames could spread to her home.

Miss Chaney, 30, from Wye Court, said the incident could have been much worse: "It's just lucky that the shed bore the brunt of the impact because I think the car could have gone through the house - it just doesn't bear thinking about.

"I was fast asleep when it happened but I was woken by a neighbour banging hell out of the door and shouting 'Get your kids out of the house.'

"My daughter Ellie then tried to wake up her younger brother Daniel while I got dressed, but as he is a heavy sleeper, she had some difficulty and got quite upset.

"When we eventually managed to get out of the house I couldn't believe what had happened.

"The car had overturned and the flames from it were really high.

"It completely demolished my shed and my garden is absolutely ruined now."

Miss Chaney say her two children, ten-year-old Ellie and five-year-old Daniel, have now been left traumatised by the incident.

She added that she is now afraid to sleep at night. She says her back garden has been left exposed to potential burglars as the car brought down a fence and tree.

Police officers in Cwmbran are investigating the incident and are taking statements from eye witnesses. If anybody has any information they are asked to call 01633 838111.

* In the picture: Amy Chaney with children Ellie, 10, and Daniel, five.