QUICK-THINKING teenager Shane Jordan, who saved the life of neighbour Vicky Noble after she suffered horrific injuries in a cleaver attack, may be in line for another award. Ian Linton was jailed for seven years this month for the horror attack in which Ms Noble's hands were two-thirds severed at the wrists.

Shane, 17, of Maesglas Avenue, Newport, sprang into action at the scene and staunched the flow of blood from her wrists, using first-aid skills he had learned at Duffryn High School, and urging onlookers collect necessary equipment.

His prompt actions helped save her life - and he was honoured earlier this month at a St John Ambulance award ceremony attended by Gwent's chief constable Keith Turner. Now Shane is up for another prestigious award - the Argus-sponsored Local Hero category of the Red Dragon FM Welsh Awards.

Shane was nominated by Keith Dunn, executive director of St John Ambulance, who said: "We think Shane is a shining example of what is right with young people today.

"He really is a superhero. Shane was a Good Samaritan, who stepped forward where many youngsters wouldn't in a dangerous situation. Goodness only knows what would have happened if he hadn't. We're delighted to nominate him and think he's got a good chance of winning this award." A bowled-over Shane said: "I wasn't aware that I was being nominated.

"It's brilliant. I don't know what to say. "Just being nominated is enough, really, I'm grateful beyond belief. "But I didn't do it for that. It's not what you think about at the time. I can't put it into words how pleased I am just to be mentioned."

The awards are supported for the fifth year running by the Julian Hodge Bank, to the tune of £20,000.

The money will go to help the radio station's chosen charity, Help a South Wales Child, which aids disadvantaged children.

Eirwen Parker, marketing manager for Red Dragon FM, said: "While the awards are about recognising heroes, the most important aspect is the opportunity they give us to raise money for a worthy cause."

PICTURED: Vicky Noble gives rescuer Shane Jordan a hug.