PROPOSALS for a £100 million transformation of Newport city centre were yesterday lodged with planners.

The Argus exclusively revealed last month the ambitious redevelopment scheme which would see Newport compete with Bristol and Cardiff for shoppers.

The radical transformation of the Kingsway Centre and part of John Frost Square will open the city centre to the riverfront, with pedestrianised access to the leisure centre and the new arts centre.

The plan, which is the result of more than a year of detailed negotiations, must now gain planning approval, but given the close involvement of the council, is unlikely to be turned down.

The proposal by Rhys (Newport) Limited in partnership with Dawnay Day and investment bankers Lehman Brothers includes:

a doubling in size of the Kingsway Shopping Centre; a 75,000 sq ft food store; demolition of the Kingsway and Capitol car parks and replacing them with a 370-space car park; an 84-bedroom hotel; 74 residential apartments; cafes, restaurants and pubs in a new 15,000 sq ft leisure area.

Work on the Kingsway Shopping Centre will involve keeping the skeleton of the existing building, although it will be refaced completely.

The Dolman Theatre, based in the centre, will have its entrance moved so it faces onto a new pedestrian area on the Kingsway, and John Frost Square will remain linked to Commercial Street.

However, which company will form the centrepiece of the development - a 100,000 sq ft department store - is still the subject of intense speculation. The architects, developers and the city council have been tight-lipped on which companies are interested although it is known discussions have taken place with a number of firms.

A spokeswoman for Newport council confirmed the plans had been deposited for approval.

She said: "An application was received yesterday. It will go through the normal planning process and will be determined by the planning committee in due course.

"It's going to be an exciting and radical transformation if it gets the go-ahead but at this stage we cannot calculate when the development will begin."

If all goes to schedule building work could start as early as autumn next year with completion planned for September 2005.

PICTURED: An artist's impression of Kingsway shopping centre as it could look viewed from Lower Dock Street.