A TEENAGER kidnapped a six-year-old girl and took her into woodland where he attempted to rape and murder her, before burying her in a shallow grave, a court was told.

The girl survived, and friends and neighbours conducted a massive search before finding her "in a dreadful state", prosecutor Mark Evans, QC, told Cardiff crown court yesterday. At first they thought they had found a different child because she was unrecognisable, covered in blood, mud, earth and leaves.

Her attacker, Mr Evans alleged, tried to cover her with earth and leaves because he thought he had killed her.

She was limp and incoherent, and later an experienced consultant paediatrician said she had never come across a child so withdrawn and traumatised.

A 15-year-old youth from Newport - whose identity is protected by the court - denies charges of attempted murder, attempted rape and kidnapping.

He admits causing grievous bodily harm with intent and indecent assault but these pleas have not been accepted by the prosecution.

Mr Evans alleged that on the evening of June 4 the youth kidnapped the child and took her to dense woodland in the Malpas area of Newport before trying to strangle her. "When she was on the ground he either stamped or stood on her neck and windpipe," he added.

The girl had injuries to her face, head and body, and was scratched and stung by being dragged through brambles and nettles after her clothing was removed. When found she had on only her T-shirt and trainers.

Giving evidence, the girl's mother wept as she described how her daughter was carried towards her by her husband.

"Her face was covered in mud, her hair was matted, she was a total mess," she told jurors.

She said the alarm was first raised when a friend of her daughter said she had gone missing.

"I was getting worried and when I was getting no reply (to her calls) my thoughts were even worse," she added.

The court heard the accused teenager even took part in the search, going to the opposite end of the wood to where she was to lure away the searchers.

After around an hour the rescue party heard her crying and screaming for her mother. "She may well have been unconscious for some time," said Mr Evans. Mr Evans alleged the defendant took the girl into the woods at about 8pm. Twenty minutes later a search was launched.

When the girl was found she identified the defendant as her attacker but was not able to say anything about the sexual assault.

At hospital, swabs taken from the girl were analysed and DNA matched that of the defendant, Mr Evans alleged.

Blood was found on his clothing, some of which was the girl's. Her blood and some skin were on his trainers. The youth was arrested and questioned at length but denied any part in the incident.

When presented with forensic evidence he still would not accept responsibility, said Mr Evans.

The trial continues.