A NEWPORT car dealer hid 21 wraps of heroin under a seat in his car after being stopped by police in the city centre, a court heard.

Jonathan McKintosh, aged 21, of Baldwin Street, Newport, had concealed the wraps of heroin weighing 8.57 grams and worth up the £700, prosecutor Meirion Davies told Cardiff crown court.

McKintosh - who was previously found guilty of possessing the drug with intent to supply - was yesterday jailed for five years at Cardiff crown court.

Anthony Minott, aged 27, of Birmingham, admitted possessing one wrap of heroin and was jailed for three months. He has already served 51 days on remand and was released immediately.

Recorder Christopher Vosper told McKintosh: "Having heard the evidence in the case I have concluded that you were in possession of those 21 wraps of heroin when taken to the police car and you deposited them under the front passenger seat.

"I accept that you are not a drugs user. But if you are not then I have concluded that the purpose of your possession was to supply to others commercially to make money." He said McKintosh was not "ensnared by the drug".

Mr Davies said that on May 14 a Ford Escort driven by McKintosh with Minott as passenger was stopped near Baldwin Street by the police.

Officers became suspicious when the pair gave false names.

They were taken to Newport central police station and during the journey McKintosh deposited the 21 wraps, the court was told.

McKintosh denied the charge and said he had nothing to do with the drugs. Rupert Lowe, defending McKintosh, said he had no convictions for drugs related offences and nothing connected with drugs was found at his home.

He added his client was a dealer on only a limited scale.