HOMEOWNER confidence in Wales has soared since the summer, on the back of continued reports of house prices dropping in some parts of the country.

In June, 45 per cent of Welsh homeowners feared not being able to meet mortgage repayments. The figure has now slumped by almost two-thirds to 17 per cent.

Yet almost one in three people (29 per cent) now fear not being able to pay their council tax, compared to 12 per cent who felt the same in June.

The findings from The CPP Group, show that the longer base rate continues to hold at four per cent the greater confidence in the housing market.

The CPP Group asked a sample of 2,000 what they most feared not being able to pay in the next three months.

The main worries include:

* Concerns over mortgage repayments have fallen since June while concerns over other outgoings have risen sharply.

* Just eight per cent of homeowners under 25 felt they would struggle to meet mortgage repayments.