A LEADING Gwent furniture company is widening its horizons in foreign parts after successfully exporting to Libya for two years.

George Street Furnishers, Newport, is looking at the potential market in Iran and a staff member is to visit the country next January.

Last year, its 50th anniversary, GSF recorded a turnover of over £5 million. This year that barrier has again been breached with a near 10 per cent turnover increase.

Managing director Martyn Sheppard puts the company's success down to meeting the needs of customers and giving them the best deal possible.

While some companies would say they had gone as far as possible, Mr Sheppard said he never does. "You have to keep on the move," he said.

During the past three years, the company, which employs 48, has spent more than £300,000 on upgrading its front and improving its showrooms.

Now, more money is being spent on expanding its carpet department as well as meeting a growing demand for leather goods.

GFS is also coming up with a buying safeguard that Mr Sheppard regards as a guarantee "out of this world".

"We call it 'Floor In One' and on a range of products it will offer extra warranty benefits over and above what we offer at the moment," he said.

"One of the safeguards is that, if the customer has had a house or a room fitted out with a carpet and they then think they have made a dreadful mistake, we will negotiate with the manufacturer to change the carpet."

Founded by Richard Sheppard in 1951, the company has grown into a multi-million pound family-run concern.

Richard's two sons, Martyn and Graham, continue to bring their business expertise and knowledge to bear on the successful future of the company.

The building houses a vast range of products in 20 departments.

l The company came up with the cash to help save a Newport night shelter after an impassioned Argus plea.

Newport Action for the Single Homeless was forced to close only months after its launch because of a funding crisis.

The story was splashed by the Argus and within hours the National Assembly had pledged an investigation into the plight of rough sleepers in Newport.

George Street Furnishers, a near-neighbour of NASH which is based in Newport's Lower Dock Street, stumped up £10,000.

NASH director Richard Frame said: "George Street Furnishers and the Sheppard family have turned out to be the very best of neighbours."