Commuters shocked: Victim was found lying in pool of blood

A MAN found lying in a pool of blood in Newport yesterday is believed to have died of a heart attack. Gwent police say the death of Shaun Evans, of Hendre Farm Drive, Ringland, who was found lying on the pavement at Newport Bridge yesterday, is not being treated as suspicious. The 34-year-old Newport man, who is not yet being named, was spotted bleeding from the head and mouth at 7.55am yesterday by shocked commuters. Two council refuse workers pulled over their lorry and desperately tried to help, while other passers-by dialled 999 for the emergency services. Matthews Wreford, 22, a worker at nearby Kwik Fit, said: "I was on the way to work on my bike. "The man had blood coming from his head and had been put into the recovery position." Police and an ambulance went to the scene, and the man was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, bleeding from the head and mouth, but he was pronounced dead on arrival. Police say a post-mortem examination will be carried out on the man, but initial investigations have led them to believe he had suffered a major heart attack. Gwent coroner David Bowen has been informed of the death. Detective inspector Andy Watts, of Maindee CID, said: "Maindee CID are investigating and are awaiting the results of a post-mortem examination. "Police officers and the ambulance staff gave the man heart massage at the scene for sometime before he was conveyed to hospital." Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident. The dead man was described as being overweight with short dark hair and clean shaven. He was wearing a dark sports jacket and a navy pullover. l Anyone with information should call Maindee CID on 01633 244999.