NEWPORT businesses are pulling out all the stops to entice shoppers into the city centre in the run-up to Christmas this year.

A city centre ice rink, late night and Sunday shopping, a free park and ride scheme and French markets are just some of the things being organised to attract shoppers to Newport.

In its first Christmas since gaining city status, extra effort has gone in to make this year one of the best for shops and shoppers.

For the first time Newport will have its own simulated ice rink thanks to Newport City Centre Partnership and the South Wales Argus.

The 30ft x 30ft simulated rink will be in John Frost Square from Thursday December 19 through to Sunday, December 22.

But the celebrations start long before that with the Christmas lights switch-on on November 14, which will also mark the start of Thursday late night shopping.

As usual the ceremony will take place in John Frost Square with entertainment and a firework display but, in another first this year, entertainment will also be provided in Market Square courtesy of local rock bands, TJ's nightclub and DJs.

November 14 will also see the official opening of the Santa's Grotto provided by the Kingsway Shopping Centre and run by volunteers of the St David's Foundation Hospice Care.

The driving force of much of the planning is Malcolm Hall, the director of Newport City Centre Partnership, who has also joined forces with the council to provide new Christmas lights this year.

Mr Hall said: "It was essential this year with Newport celebrating its first Christmas as a city that we should do something special."

A French market will dominate John Frost Square in the days after the official switching on of the Christmas lights.

The "France at Home" team is bringing at least 20 stalls providing a wide range of high quality foods, wines and other goods.

A free park and ride service will operate between the Civic Centre and Faulkner Road car parks and lower Bridge Street from 9am to 6pm every Saturday starting from November 16 and running until January 4. In addition Newport council is allowing free parking in all council-owned car parks every Thursday night from November 14.

The free car parking will operate from 6.30pm each Thursday evening.

* Full details of all these events will be available in a special Christmas magazine which will be free with your South Wales Argus on November 6.