Coach and Horses, Newport Road, Castleton

IT was a special occasion - and a celebration was in order.

So we headed off to the Beefeater restaurant at the Coach & Horses in Castleton for a birthday night out.

It was a Friday evening and understandably busy at the restaurant, so we enjoyed the chance to have a few social drinks while a table became free.

But if you're in a hurry, it is advisable to book a table on popular nights to avoid disappointment.

Special mention must be made of the service; the waitresses were rushed off their feet, but still found the time for a smile and a chat making the night that extra bit special - and they even managed to find a candle for the birthday cake.

We shared a platter between the four of us - it should have been for two - but the potato skins, chicken goujons, deep-fried prawns, mushrooms and onion rings were plentiful and enough to take the edge off the hunger before the main course arrived.

With 'two steaks for the price of one' vouchers, it was only sensible to choose rib-eye and sirloin steaks which came on plates which were loaded with chips and salad and were very filling.

Room was found for the birthday girl to enjoy an Ultimate Chocolate Challenge,which was so big it was shared by the four of us and still couldn't be finished. With layers of chocolate cake, ice cream, Maltesers, marshmallows, chocolate sauce and cream, it was certainly a challenge.

The vouchers took roughly £20 off the bill, but at £61 between four with a bottle of wine and two rounds of drinks, it was a brilliant bargain.