SOMETHING has got to change at Rodney Parade, says experienced full back Matt Pini, capped by Australia and Italy who leads Newport against Borders tomorrow.

Pini (pictured) will, in fact, be in charge of a side for the first time in his long career. But he pulls no punches in his assessment of the current Newport set-up and suggests a lot will be expected from the youngsters in the team to face the Scots at Rodney Parade.

"It can't get any worse than it is now," said Pini, pointing to 11 successive defeats this season, counting friendlies.

And he also backs the selection of tomorrow's side with a stack of experienced players left out and a number of promising youngsters given their chance.

"If we keep playing the same side, we're going downhill so something has got to change," he said.

"The young players coming in may make the others play better. The young guys have got an excellent chance and if they perform, something has got to happen.

"Maybe it will get some of the established players to pull their fingers out and get cracking.

"We have all got to look at ourselves and ask if we're doing enough. Once you lose a bit of confidence and will, it's difficult to get it back.

"It's disappointing for the fans but it's more disappointing for the players. You take pride in what you do, so it's not enjoyable.

"It could all be down to confidence, the fear of losing, a hundred things.

"Each week we work hard and still it doesn't go our way, so maybe these young guys can kick-start the team."

Pini also defends under-fire coaches Leigh Jones and Richard Hill.

"They came in at a difficult time after Mac (last season's coach Ian McIntosh) and took up the baton," he said. "They put in a lot of work and maybe the players are not responding, maybe they think they're too good.

"But the players have to fix themselves up first with their training, home life, whatever. You are the one who is responsible.

"Mac was a once-in-a-ifetime coach and it clicked. Maybe it's difficult for players when there are a few changes and a different voice, but we've all got to knuckle down and get a performance.

"What's the worst that can happen? We lose again. Maybe these young guys will take things forward."