A CHEPSTOW woman who was a friend of famous aviator Amy Johnson celebrated her 100th birthday yesterday.

Dorothy Valkering, pictured, shared a birthday cake and champagne with her friends and family at the Castle Court residential home in Welsh Street.

Mrs Valkering was born in Hull and was a close school friend of pioneer British pilot Amy Johnson, who became the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia in 1930.

Veronica Atkinson, 68, from Shirenewton, who is Mrs Valkering's only child, said: "My mother and Amy Johnson were very close friends at school and they used to go on holiday together to Bridlington beach in Yorkshire.

"I remember her saying that she was very protective of Amy and used to look after her, although she went on to have something of an adventurous streak."

The two lost touch after they left school and Mrs Valkering worked as a governess in Somerset and Guernsey.

She eventually moved back to Hull and married Dutch corn merchant David William Valkering.

He became a vice consul for the Dutch government and was awarded the Order of Orange by the Dutch royal family.

Mrs Valkering moved to Chepstow four years ago to be near her daughter.

Mrs Atkinson said: "The secret of her long life has been keeping active and interested in things.

"But she's got a long way to go to beat her mother, who died at 107."

Mrs Valkering has nine great-grandchildren. A family party is due to take place for her at Mrs Atkinson's home tomorrow.