A TEENAGE girl fought for her life when she was forced off the street in broad daylight and on to a river bank by a knife-wielding attacker.

Her father says he fears that if the man who abducted his daughter in Cross Keys is not caught, he could end up killing someone.

The 15-year-old, who does not wish to be identified, was attacked in Gladstone Street at about 10.45am on October 14.

She was subjected to a terrifying ordeal by a man who held her at the point of a three-inch kitchen knife and forced her to walk to the nearby riverbank. There, he slashed at the terrified girl's clothing.

But the schoolgirl literally fought for her life - using self-defence skills picked up in judo - and managed to escape her attacker.

Now her angry father is appealing for anyone with information about what happened to contact the police - he fears it could happen again and the next person attacked may not survive.

The distraught dad said: "I believe it could have been far worse, you could have been talking a fatality.

"At the end of the day her gut instinct told her she had to fight.

"This time my daughter was lucky. We could have been dealing with something very different .

"We still have a daughter but I fear somebody is not going to be that fortunate.

"She is very nervous and has not gone out and about on her own. Her school friends have been very supportive and so has all the family.

"She is putting on a very brave face."

Police describe her attacker as white, aged about 40, about 6ft tall, with short dark hair and of medium build.

He was wearing a dark blue jumper with a V-neck and white T-shirt underneath. He also had dark trousers.

Detective Inspector Rhiannon Hodges said: "Without wishing to panic young people and their parents we would advise caution in the area and not to be in isolated areas on their own.

"We are doing all we can to arrest the person responsible."

Anyone with information about the attack should call the police on 01633 838111.

* Pictured is the riverside area near Gladstone Street, Cross Keys.