ALEXANDER Littlejohn has helped 300 people to stay alive by donating 100 pints of blood.

Mr Littlejohn, 52, from Ridgeway Avenue, Newport, has given blood a staggering 100 times since he first started in 1968.

And he received a crystal rose bowl last week to mark his special achievement.

The Welsh Blood Service held a special award ceremony at the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny, for the people of Gwent who had given more than 50 units of blood.

Mr Littlejohn said: "You never know what will happen, I might need it myself sometime. "It is good to help others and I would encourage other people to give blood."

Trudi Evans, recruitment officer at the Welsh Blood Service, said: "It is a fantastic achievement, not many people would ever achieve that."

She said: "Every one donation goes to help three patients, so Mr Littlejohn has helped 300 people to stay alive - that is absolutely incredible."

Forty-five awards were given out to the people of Gwent at the annual awards ceremony giving the donor service a chance to say 'thank you' to the people who have been loyal and regular donors.

David Minty of Newport was also celebrating after giving 76 units of blood and receiving an engraved silver pen as a thank-you.

* Pictured are, left to right, Alexander Littlejohn of Newport (100 pints), Gordon Bates of Pontypool (95 pints) and David Minty of Newport (76 pints)