PEOPLE travel from far and wide to see the elaborate Christmas decorations that festoon a Pontymister house every year.

And, just three years ago, owner Michael Horner won an Argus award for his well-loved lighting displays, which brighten up the festive season for neighbours.

But those who make the festive journey to the house in Tyn-y-Cwm this year could well be disappointed.

For Caerphilly council has asked Mr Horner - who has already started putting up his many light displays - not to drill into the stonework of the newly-renovated council house.

Now, to his distress, Mr Horner may not be able to put up his usual host of decorations - from which he collects hundreds of pounds for local charities.

And the decision has also prompted huge protest from his neighbours, who enjoy his annual display.

One neighbour, Beverley Milton, told the Argus: "Our houses were renovated six months ago and we have been told not to drill into the houses.

"We've had a letter from the council saying we can put lights up in the garden but not on the house.

"Mr Horner is very upset about this and we are all very disappointed.

"The local children love coming down here to look at the lights on the house."

Residents have now started a petition for Mr Horner to be allowed to put up his usual decorations.

Mr Horner did not want to comment. But his son Simon said: "Everybody loves the lights - my father has people coming here from all over the place just to see them. I can't believe the council has done this."

A spokesman for Caerphilly council said that it was not stopping anyone putting up decorations in their gardens.

"We are concerned about the damage that could result from drilling into the stonework of properties to erect lighting, especially on properties that have recently been renovated," he said.

He added the problem was not with permanent structures being fixed to the properties, but with temporary fittings such as Christmas lights.

* In the picture: Michael horner and residents of Pontymister, who are furious that he will not be allowed to keep decorating his house for Christmas