MEMORIES of school dinners may fill some of us with dread - but not Newport mayor Ron Morris.

Councillor Morris tucked into lunch at Eveswell Primary School, Newport, with gusto yesterday after paying a visit as part of National School Meals Week.

He carefully selected a main course from the tempting menu before confiding to one young pupil: "I'm really looking forward to this. They don't let us have sausage and chips very often at Mansion House!"

The diners never fell short of topics of conversation - the mayor quizzing youngsters about their schoolwork, and they asking him all about life as Newport's First Citizen, and admiring his chain of office.

"The day went really well," said acting head Catherine Barnett. "The children were very excited about their important guest - they collected autographs and generally thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

"We have excellent school meals here - the ladies in the canteen are wonderful. I have to resist or my waistband will expand too much!"

* In the picture: Newport mayor councillor Ron Morris has lunch with nine-year-old Matthew Steed.