OVERCROWDING at a Newport school desperate for new premises is affecting its pupils' health, despite a glowing academic report.

The physical development of youngsters in reception classes at Durham Road Infants School is unsatisfactory, the report says.

Both Durham Road Junior and Infants are scheduled to move into a new school planned for a controversial site at the Glebelands playing-fields, a former waste tip.

The inspectors' report comes on the day the Children's Commissioner for Wales, Peter Clarke, said the plan should not go ahead in its present form because it was not known if there were health risks.

Everyone, not least Newport council, accepts that Durham Road accommodation is antiquated.

But the government inspection report's criticism underlines the urgent need for a move. It says overcrowding means there is not enough provision for learning through play and physical development.

The report praised the school's high standard of achievement. Standards at Key Stage 1 were found to be 48% satisfactory, 49% good and 3% very good. Reception classes were even better - 38% were satisfactory, 56% good and 6% very good. These are considered to be gradings with which schools would be delighted.

Pupils' moral and social development was good and their spiritual and cultural development satisfactory. But their physical development was unsatisfactory The report said: "Staffing and learning resources are good overall.

"However, serious inadequacies in the quality of the accommodation impinge on provision and standards, particularly in relation to the lack of storage space and running water, the location of the canteen off site, the space available in the playground and the size of the hall and most classrooms."

The headteacher at the time, Beryl James, who is now retired, said school achievements against the odds were down to the dedication and professionalism of all the staff. "It also underlines the caring attitude of the governing body and the support of parents that is given so willingly to Durham Road Infants School," she said.

"At present, everyone is being further motivated by the prospect of the new school, which will overcome the accommodation problems at Durham Road."

The present acting head of the infants school is Roger Morley-Jones. Protests against the Glebelands from people concerned to keep the open space and to protect the health of children have dogged plans for a replacement. A former factory site nearby was once favoured by protesters but this was rejected by the council in favour of the Glebelands.