PASSENGERS on Newport's buses are being been left stranded following cancellation of services because of staff sickness.

A major shortage of drivers at Newport Transport has left bus users waiting in vain for buses which never came.

Bus driver and union official Matthew Tooth said: "We're about 20 or so drivers short because of long-term sickness and we have all had a gut full.

"The problem is that the people who are here are taking all the flak, so they're saying with the extra stress I might as well go on the sick myself. "Certain areas, especially Bettws and Ringland, have been badly affected by cancellations.

"Once people come back to work it might improve." Passengers angry at the stoppages include Grace Mustoe, 60, from Royal Oak, who said: "It's a disgrace. They're always coming telling you a bus has been cancelled when everyone's stood here with their shopping."

Kay Hart, 29, of Royal Oak, agreed: "They always say they haven't got any drivers. It's disgusting.

"The way the bus fares go up they should be able to pay for them. "The fares go up and the service goes down."

Managing director Trevor Roberts, who took over the position four weeks ago, said: "Unfortunately, we have suffered very, very badly with staff sickness and we have been struggling to cover all the journeys on our timetable.

"Things are starting to improve, but I can't explain why the level of staff health has suddenly shot up.

"There have been some journeys we have not been able to operate but overall, we have been able to keep the service going.

"Over the last two to three weeks we have taken on 10 or 12 new drivers, all of whom are already qualified. Four started in the last week alone.

"I have got more staff than I should have at the moment - on paper we've got more people than we need.

"We've got a couple of spare drivers today to cover any unexpected sickness. "These have been trying times but now there's a light at the end of the tunnel."