A CWMBRAN family is following events in the US with special interest because a loved relative could be pitched in to battle at any moment.

Clint Nutter is on a 24-hour war alert as tension mounts following the terrorist attack on the USA.

He serves with the US Air Force at the Mildenhall base in Suffolk and is the son of Ivy Saiek and sister of Mary Jo Morgan, (pictured) 35, who live at the Tydies in Coed Eva.

He is a member of the administration staff and could be sent anywhere in the world if conflict breaks out involving US forces.

Mary Jo said: "It is so frightening and every time we see the news we think of Clint. "He's married with two children so it's even more upsetting but he's said he will have to go if he's called to because it's his duty.

"It was so terrible when the terrorist attack happened and thankfully our family in the States were all OK."

The family's Welsh-American connection started when Ivy met Sergeant Dwight Nutter of the US Air Force in her home town of Newport in 1954. He was visiting the town while he was stationed at RAF Brize Norton.

They eventually married and settled in America and had six children including Clint and Mary Jo who was born in California.

The marriage did not work out between Ivy and Vietnam veteran Dwight and following a divorce she returned to Wales with three of her children in 1976. Clint stayed in America and followed his father into the US Air Force.

Ivy said: "I was glad to come back because I am proud to be Welsh and missed Wales so much.

"After all there is no place like home." Mary Jo, a registered childminder, still has an American accent and would like to go back there for good one day.

"I do miss the States but one of the reasons I stay is to be with my Mom," she said.