A GWENT council wants to impose an anti-social behaviour order against a second school pupil in its area.

If the order is granted, it would be only the second time in Wales such an order would be made.

Yesterday, Newport magistrates took the unusual step of issuing a warrant for the arrest of the runaway schoolboy who has brought fear to his school.

Newport magistrates considered an application from Torfaen County Borough Council to have an anti-social behaviour order imposed on the 15 year old to stop him going back to his former school.

Neither the boy nor his school can be named for legal reasons.

Chris Tyndall a legal officer for Torfaen told Newport magistrates that the troubled youngster was permanently excluded from his school but continued to turn up at the school, causing trouble.

It was alleged that the boy, who is in foster care hurled abuse at teachers, swore at them and was disruptive.

The magistrates ruled that they were concerned the teenager is a missing 15 year old, did not attend and was not represented. A warrant, without bail was issued.

Earlier this year, another Torfaen teenager became the first school pupil in Wales to be governed by an anti-social behaviour order.