THE controversial Rock Bitch concert planned for Newport has been cancelled after a storm of local protest.

The French rock-porn band, who have a reputation for on-stage nudity and lewd acts, were to play at Jesters night club, Stow Hill, tonight.

But the proposed performance was met with outrage from local councillors. Jesters manager Paul Wilkins confirmed after speaking with police that the concert was cancelled on Friday afternoon.

He declined to comment further.

Inspector Julian Knight, of Newport Central police station, told the Argus: "We had a meeting with the licensees to ensure they were fully au fait with legislation in relation to activities on their premises and their liability, and that they understood fully the requirements of their public entertainments licence."

Inspector Knight said police had also highlighted the concerns of the local community and Jesters later contacted officers, saying the concert was off as it did not want to jeopardise its relationship with locals or police.

"I respect them for the decision they made," said Inspector Knight.

Rock Bitch played Blackwood Miners' Institute in 1997 and at the Market Tavern, Ebbw Vale, in 1996, on the understanding they did nothing to offend during their shows.

But the band, who were due to be supported by Cwmbran band Janiero, had not been asked to censor their Newport show in any way.

Following the announcement that the band had withdrawn from performing at Jesters, Stow Hill councillor John Marsh, who spoke out against the concert when it was first announced, said: "I'm very pleased. It just shows that if people speak up things can happen."

Tickets to see the band, which has appeared on television shows including Eurotrash and The Big Breakfast, had been selling well.

Rock Bitch's mix of music has been likened Marilyn Manson, Faith No More and the Prodigy, but the band's stage show is said to be more outrageous.

The performance at Jesters was to have been filmed for a documentary on the band. The eight-piece group, comprised of ex-strippers and ex-prostitutes, comes from a commune in France.