A FAME-type academy planned for youngsters in Newport has run into controversy. Local couple Sarah and Graham Lucas want to turn the disused Llanthewy Road Baptist Church into a children's performing arts centre, but a petition has been set up opposing the plans.

The church and community hall have not been used for about seven years and are badly in need of renovation because of vandalism, water damage, and a recent fire.

But some people living nearby claim the proposed centre would "excessively intrude" into their lives.

They say: -Llanthewy Road is already a "rat run" for traffic heading into town and the centre would mean extra traffic;

-visitors to the centre would park close to the centre, causing congestion;

- there would be extra noise from the banging of car doors, engine noise and loud greetings as friends meet up.

Mr and Mrs Lucas, who bought the church and community centre a month ago, say they are just trying to clean up the buildings and do something positive for the whole community.

It is proposed there would be classes in dancing, singing, choir, drama and music for fun, and that the community centre would be available to community groups - such as Mothers and Toddlers, and yoga for the over 50s - who wish to use it.

Mrs Lucas, who lives opposite the church, told the Argus: "I couldn't stand the fact it had been left empty and was being used as a place for junkies to go.

"If we don't have the church, somebody else from outside will have it and then they will have problems."

She said they had already put up security lights outside the church, removed syringes from the garden and dug out the drains.

"What I want is constructive help rather than talk about a few cars causing a problem," she said.

Classes at the performing arts school would be held from 4.30pm to 8pm, Mondays to Fridays; 9am to 4pm on Saturdays; and the occasional Sunday.

The main church hall would be used for end of term performances, choirs and ensemble groups, between 6pm and 10pm

The local scout troop, Vanessa Clarke School of Dance and a local gym club have asked to use the dance studio when it is not being used as the performing arts school.