PLANNERS in Blaenau Gwent have rejected a bid to build a gas power station in Rassau.

Now the proposal - for a gas turbine plant on a 17-acre site on the Rassau industrial estate - has been initially rejected at a special meeting of Blaenau Gwent county borough council.

The power planthad been recommended for approval by council officers. Now the final decision lies with the Department of Trade and Industry.

Leader of the council, John Hopkins forwarded a motion, which was seconded by Rassau ward councillor David Wilkshire, for the project to be referred to a public inquiry. The move was supported by all 23 councillors present at the meeting yesterday afternoon.

Alex Parson, spokesman for Enron, the company behind the 1200 megawatt power station, said that the company would now "consider their position" as a result of the decision.

A jubilant David Blanchard, of the Rassau residents association, said after the meeting: "Obviously we are very pleased with the decision and delighted that it was a unanimous one.

"We are not at the end of the road yet but today has been an important milestone in our campaign.

"We are grateful to the council for allowing us to put our case to them and special thanks go to our two Rassau ward councillors who have supported us from day one." l Local views and what happens next: see tomorrow's Argus