ARMED police surrounded a car in Bassaleg near Newport last night. Today they confirmed that an air pistol was found nearby.

A South Wales police officer reported seeing what was thought to be a an air pistol in a car as it travelled from Cardiff's Millennium Stadium into Gwent at 6.15pm. The car is thought to have contained Preston fans on the way back from their 3-0 win over Preston - winning them a place in the Premiership.

Eyewitnesses said that a car travelled through the Tredegar Park roundabout and on to Forge Lane in Bassaleg. There, followed by police and the Gwent Police helicopter, it went into Church Meade - a dead end.

The car, being driven by one man and with two male passengers, stopped and police arrested one man on suspicion of driving offences last night.

Police confirmed this morning that an air pistol had been recovered from the area and two men were arrested on suspicion of possessing an offensive weapon and possessing controlled drugs.