BLIND and partially sighted people across Gwent who use guide dogs are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

There are currently 49 guide dog owners in Gwent - and one of them, June Goulding, said the companionship of her faithful dogs has helped her through the challenges of daily life over the nine years since she lost her eyesight.

Her first guide dog, Charlie, retired, but remained with her as a pet - while Billy, a two-year-old labrador, took over his duties last year. "Charlie's been a wonderful servant," said Mrs Goulding, 67, of Caerwent. "He's been a friend."

Mrs Goulding, who lost her sight through glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration, says Charlie saved her from being run over one day when he refused to go across a pedestrian crossing.

"He could sense a car was coming," said Mrs Goulding, "and sure enough, a car had run a red light."