A GWENT toddler's smiling face will be beaming out over breakfast tables across the UK.

Two-year-old Charlie Turner from Marshfield, Newport, will feature on more than 800,000 packets of Tesco Cornflakes and Rice Snaps which will be sold across the country.

He is the 'poster boy' for the charity Little Hearts Matter which provides vital information and support for families of a child with a serious heart defect.

As well as raising awareness of the organisation, they will receive around £25,000 to help their important work as Tesco is donating three pence from the sale of every packet.

Charlie, who featured in the Argus last month, has hypoplastic left heart syndrome which means the left hand side of his heart failed to develop.

He under went major surgery when he was just two days old and had a second operation at four months. He will need another operation before he goes to school and may one day need a heart transplant.

Despite his serious condition, Charlie is a happy child who continues to delight his parents Alison and Pete.

His involvement with the cereal campaign came about because Mr Turner is a trustee with Little Hearts Matter and helped with the Tesco partnership, while his wife also does voluntary work for the charity.

A spokeswoman for the supermarket giant said Little Hearts Matter would receive a guaranteed donation of around £25,000.

"We also supported Little Hearts Matter on Valentine's Day with the sale of heart-shaped cookies and chocolates," she said.

"This is a very worthwhile charity that touches many people, including some of our own Tesco staff."