A FORMER swimming pool in Newport is not earmarked for private sale at the moment, according to the city council.

But the council cannot guarantee the future of Newport's Maindee Pool until a feasibility study is done - so it could still be sold privately.

Maindee Pool was closed at the end of last year to be replaced by the new South East Regional Pool at Newport International Sports Village.

Now the council is asking for expressions of interest as they decide the building's fate.

But they say are no definite plans to sell the property to a private developer. They say the value of the building is hard to estimate as parts of it are listed.

Many locals are keen to see the building transformed into a multi-cultural community centre.

Victoria ward councillor Chris Jenkins said: "The people of Maindee are desperate for this kind of facility.

"I have been campaigning for a community centre for the last 20 years. There is nowhere in the ward for a playgroup or senior citizens club."

She says there are volunteers willing to organise this kind of activity but that they need a suitable building.

Councillor Jenkins said: "I am passionate about this issue. The centre could play a vital part in the regeneration of Maindee.

"Even if the swimming baths site isn't used for the multi-cultural community centre, I will continue to campaign for a centre for Maindee."

Erryl Heath, cabinet member for development and employment, said: "The feasibility study will test the water to see what kind of market there is, in terms of the building's value and its future uses.

"We want to ensure that the building doesn't deteriorate further and we aim to work with local people to ensure that the building realises its full potential within the community.

"There are currently a number of suggestions for the future use of the baths on the table.

"No decision will be made until after the feasibility study."