THE FUTURE of major club rugby in Wales is on the line and hangs over the Welsh League programme which gets underway tomorrow night.

Provincial rugby is right at the top of the agenda to start as early as next season with four, or more likely, five district sides at the top level in Wales.

The super club issue looks to have been thrown out and that will mean the end of 130 years of club rugby at the highest level in Wales.

And changing to provinces, with one representing Gwent, will open up a massive can of worms and beg a whole series of questions.

Percy Montgomery flies in from South Africa this week to join Newport on a two-and-a-half year contract.

But what kind of future faces him now? He agreed a six-figure annual salary with Newport benefactor Tony Brown, but who will pay him if Welsh rugby goes provincial?

If Newport are to cease to exist as a top professional club, along with all the others in Wales, what happens to Montgomery?

His contract will have to be honoured, but will that be by Brown or the Welsh Rugby Union?

And what of Newport's other overseas players like Simon Raiwalui, Rod Snow and Ofisa Tonu'u?

Raiwalui is out of contract at the end of this season, and Snow and Tonu'u have a year of theirs to run.

They will have to be paid by someone, but they could well be on their way out of Welsh rugby.

Where would the combined Gwent team play, what will they be called, who will be the coach? Just a few of the many questions.

And what about Pontypool and their ambitions to be a premier club again?

Under the plan for the future of Welsh rugby, Pontypool, assuming they win the First Division title, will not gain promotion to the top level because that tier will only be for the provinces.

Newport start their Welsh League programme at home to Caerphilly tomorrow night with coach Leigh Jones declaring: "Nothing other than a win will do."

Fresh from their first win of the season against Borders, Newport retain a number of the youngsters who did so well.

Three-quarters Hal Luscombe, Scott Williams and Alex Cadwallader stay and though number eight Rhys Jones does not start the game, he could be there against Swansea on Saturday.

Newport: S Howarth, A Cadwallader, H Luscombe, S Williams, L Nabaro, J Strange, O Tonu'u, R Snow, P Young/J Richards, C Anthony, S Raiwalui (captain), M Voyle, G Gravell, S Ojomoh, J Forster. Replacements from rest of squad. Kick off 7.30pm.