NEWPORT community safety wardens are to be given stab vests to protect them when patrolling.

The wardens, who deal with low-level anti-social behaviour, will be issued with vests worn under their clothes.

But Newport's top cop said he was "disappointed" by the move.

The decision came from Councillor Ray Truman, cabinet member for community safety and sustainability.

A report to him said media interest in people carrying knives suggested the problem was greater than first thought and "subject to risk assessment stab vests should be provided".

A £10,000 risk assessment will be carried out .

Conservative councillor David Fouweather is a long-standing supporter of stab vests for the safety wardens and has campaigned for their introduction.

He said: "The vests should have been issued a long time ago and it's more luck than judgement that a serious incident hasn't taken place."

Figures sent from warden manager Richard Winfield to Newport councillor David Fouweather show that sInce August 2005, wardens were called out to 38 violent incidents.

One warden told the Argus he made his own stab vest as he thinks they should be better protected.

More than 1,600 knives and bladed weapons were handed in to Gwent Police in its recent knife amnesty.

But Newport police divisional commander Chief Superintendent Kevin Price believes the vests are not needed.

He said: "The issue as to whether organisations issue body armour is clearly a matter for them and I'm sure that they will take their own legal advice whilst developing risk assessments.

"I would be disappointed if all public services felt the need to wear body armour as that does not reflect the reality of the city centre and can work against the image of the city being a safe place."

He said police wear vests as part of their duties and can't back away from violent incidents.

On Saturday, the Argus reported how Richard Shaw, a Boots store detective who tackled a knifeman in Newport city centre, said he could "see the day" when people in his job were given stab vests.