THESE Newport youngsters took on household tasks from family and friends to raise funds for their local church hall.

The Sixth East Newport Rainbow Guides unit at Lliswerry meet once a week at St Andrew's Church Hall which they use for a minimal fee.

To give something back to the hall and to help subsidise their annual costs, the girls aged between five and seven, carried out small jobs such as laying the dinner table, hanging out the washing, making their bed, and washing their parents' cars.

For each job they successfully completed, the girls were given 20p.

The 12 youngsters collected their earned 20ps in an old Smarties tube in the hope of filling the tube with £10.

One of the group's leaders, Sally Scott-Roberts, explained how the girls had practised the tasks beforehand at their Rainbow meetings.

She said the project has helped the girls to think responsibly.

Ms Scott-Roberts hoped the group would raise around £100 and this would be match funded by Barclays.