MORE than 10,000 police officers in England and Wales are to be cut over the next two years according to figures obtained by the Labour Party.

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said the job losses showed the "shocking and brutal reality" of the Government's spending cuts, which sets police budget cuts at 20% by 2014-15.

Ms Cooper was quoted in various reports saying: "These figures show the shocking and brutal reality of the 20% police cuts. Far from protecting frontline policing as ministers promised, over 10,000 police officers are being cut in the next few years alone.

"That's 10,000 fewer police officers fighting crime, solving serious cases, or keeping our country safe. Cutting so fast and so deep into police budgets is crazy. It is completely out of touch with communities across the country who want to keep bobbies on the beat.

"Chief constables are being put in an impossible position. They are working hard to fight crime, but the government is pulling the rug from underneath them."

According to the figures a total of 10,190 police officers are to be cut.

The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) said they would not be commenting as the matter was a "political issue" but referred to the statement given following the spending review.

Last December ACPO lead for finance and resources, Chief Constable Grahame Maxwell, said: "These figures make clear that there are difficult choices ahead - for the police service, for police partners and for Government.The cumulative impact of cutting police budgets year-on-year will translate into reductions of police officers and staff across the service."

The Government has said it aims to avoid any reduction in the visibility and availability of police on the streets. It has said what matters is not the total size of the police workforce but the efficiency and effectiveness of its deployment.

The research looked at all 42 police authorities except for British Transport Police.