AN Abertillery couple were horrified to find their two cats dead inside a plastic bag on their doorstep.

Kath and Richard Taylor of Powell Street are devastated after their two year-old cats Sky and Tigger who were believed to have been drowned and dumped outside their home.

Mr Taylor,41, was at home when he made the grim discovery.

"It was between 6.15pm and 7.15pm last Saturday. I had just made a cup of tea when my wife asked me to call the cats back in as they had been out since about 4.30pm," said Mr Taylor.

"I opened the door and saw a plastic Iceland carrier bag in a puddle of water," he said.

"I didn’t think anything of it as it had been raining and opened the bag to find the lifeless bodies of Sky and Tigger."

Mr Taylor fears the cats had been drowned as they were soaking wet.

"It’s sick and devastating for myself, Kath 57, and the family," added Mr Taylor, who moved to Powell Street three years ago.

Mrs Taylor, who has four grown-up daughters from another relationship said she is still in shock.

"Sky and Tigger were sisters and never went far or anywhere without each other. They were very friendly and part of the family," added Mrs Taylor.

Gwent Police said it is investigating the incident, in which Tigger, a Tabby and Sky (black and white) appear to have been drowned, and is carrying out door-to-door enquiries.

Anyone with information is asked to call Gwent Police on 01633 838111 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.