A SHOP manager says crime has escalated in his Newport street after temporary CCTV cameras were removed.

Shahbaz Ahmed said in the latest incident, would-be thieves caused £5,000 worth of damage when they used a stolen car as a battering ram to break in to his store.

Police said a red Fiat Cinquecento, which had been stolen from an address on Moorland Park, Newport, was used in an to attempt to ramraid the Lifestyle store on Fallowfield Drive, Pontfaen at 10pm on Wednesday.

The thieves did not manage to get into the shop but were seen driving off in the direction of Mulcaster Avenue. The car was later recovered by police.

The impact of the collision smashed the shop window, which is estimated to cost around £5,000 to repair.

This is the second time the shop has been targeted in less than a month following an attempt to break into the store’s cash machine at 1.05am on January 21.

No money was taken but police said a 25-year-old man was arrested in connection with the incident and has been bailed pending further enquiries.

Mr Ahmed said anti social behaviour has escalated in the area since Newport council removed CCTV cameras last September.

He said gangs of youths gather in the area making noise and some driving around the streets on off-road bikes.

He said: “There’s no security here, the problem is getting worse, we are unsafe.”

Another businessman said: “Since the cameras have gone, the deterrent has gone as well.”

Newport City Council said a small number of temporary CCTV cameras were placed in Pontfaen due to a rise in complaints about anti social behaviour, but the number of incidents declined after six months and the cameras were moved to another area.

A spokeswomen added: “The council has a limited number of temporary CCTV units but will monitor the situation in Pontfaen and if the need arises will look to have temporary CCTV in the area again.”

Anyone with information about the incidents at the Lifestyle store is asked to call Gwent Police on 01633 838111 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.