GWENT residents helped raise more than £246,000 during last year’s Royal British Legion poppy appeal.

During 2010, a total of £246,516.16 was raised, which is only 0.57 per cent down from 2009 when £247,929.22 was raised.

Gwent county poppy appeal coordinator, Mike Jones said the figure was pleasing considering the current economic climate.

He said: "It is a terrific amount and we would like to thank everyone in Gwent for their effort."

Mr Jones said in many areas throughout Gwent there had been an increase when comparing the amount raised through the appeal in 2010 to the amount raised in 2009.

This includes Newport where £32,375 was raised in 2010 compared to the £30,945 raised in 2009.

The money is used to provide welfare and support to the service and ex-service community and their families.

Help provided can range from installing handrails and ramps at their homes to providing respite breaks for families.

Overall the Legion has given financial help to more than 10,000 service personnel who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families.

It also currently spends more than £1.4million each week helping more than 160,000 other members of the Armed Forces family including veterans and the bereaved.

Volunteers are now needed to help with this year’s appeal which will also see the Legion celebrate its 90th year.

Mr Jones said: "In the Gwent area, we particularly need help in Chepstow where we will need a new poppy appeal organiser soon but any volunteers in any area will also be greatly appreciated."

Anyone who would like to be involved should contact community fundraiser for south, east and mid Wales, Ruth Henley on 02920 480281 or at Alternatively visit