A GWENT teenager is preparing for a trip of a lifetime to Kenya where she will work to improve the lives of other young people and families.

Hannah Jones, who is based at Monmouthshire Youth Service offices in Usk, will be part of a group going on the Adventure Alternative experience in the summer.

The 17-year-old will help on projects building schools, clinics and orphanages, as well as running summer camps for street children.

Before she goes on the trip, Miss Jones and her colleagues need to raise £2,000 each to fund it.

She said: "I am passionate about this project and the opportunity it will offer the children in Kenya who will benefit from the work I will complete."

Miss Jones has only been based at the Usk centre for a few months, where she is studying for an NVQ Level two in ICT and later an NVQ Level three in Business and Administration.

She left sixth form because of being in and out of hospital with an injury and is now flourishing in her new role.

When a space came up on the Kenya trip, she was keen to take it.

"I knew I didn't want to go to university so the youth service was perfect for me," she added.

Monmouthshire Youth Service is planning to introduce six, three week workshops for16-18-year-olds in the county to lead them into work-based learning, modern apprenticeships or further education.