A VALLEYS teacher was reprimanded yesterday after he harassed his estranged wife by spitting on her home and workplace.

John Fox, deputy headmaster at Deighton Primary School, Tredegar, was given the reprimand following a General Teaching Council for Wales hearing in Cardiff, where it was found he brought his profession into disrepute.

The disciplinary hearing was called after Mr Fox, in his 50s, pleaded guilty to three counts of harassment at Abertillery Magistrates’ Court last May.

He was fined £495 and issued with a restraining order which stops him approaching estranged wife, Elizabeth.

Presenting the case, Huw Roberts, said the convictions amounted to unacceptable professional conduct and fell short of the standards expected from a teacher.

Mr Fox of Tillery Street, Abertillery, accepted Mr Roberts’ submission, telling the hearing he was going through an "extremely acrimonious" divorce, which should be concluded shortly. He admitted dealing with the breakdown of his 19-year marriage badly.

Mr Fox said he spat on his estranged wife’s car and house and also on the premises of her employer, Lewis and Lines Solicitors, who were representing her in proceedings.

He also said he sent an anonymous birthday card and stopped her in the street.

The incidents happened in June 2009 and Mr Fox was subsequently off work from September 2009 to September 2010 suffering from stress, a neurological condition, deep-veined thrombosis and needed a potentially cancerous growth removed from his right eye.

He said: "I was extremely frustrated." He admitted acting inappropriately.

Mr Fox was given a first written warning after a disciplinary meeting at Deighton Primary, where he has worked for 17 years.

In a statement, fellow teacher Susan Thayer called him an "honest, caring man", saying Mr Fox is a role model for pupils and colleagues.

Chairman of the committee Gareth Jones said Mr Fox’s behaviour amounted to unacceptable professional conduct.

But, added: "He has shown an insight into his failings and genuine regret. Mr Fox has a good history and the incidents happened at a time of extreme stress exacerbated by ill-health."

The reprimand will remain on Mr Fox’s record for two years but doesn’t affect his registration to teach.