A GWENT man used internet chat rooms to exchange indecent images and live out his child abuse fantasies, a court heard.

Thomas Williams, 25, of Conway Road, Newport, appeared in Newport Crown Court yesterday for sentencing having previously pleaded guilty to five counts of distributing indecent images of children, 12 counts of making indecent images and one count of possessing indecent images.

Prosecutor David Webster said a warrant was executed at a house in Shirenewton, on October 2, 2009, where Williams was staying temporarily.

Mr Webster said Williams was “disarmingly frank” during police interview, admitting he searched the internet for child pornography using key words and phrases and transferred some of the images to DVDs and memory sticks.

He said Williams talked to other computer users online and exchanged images, which were found in a folder on his computer.

Mr Webster said Williams sent a total of 153 images, four level five images - the worse level - 21 level four images, 46 level three, one level two and 81 level one.

In total, Williams was found in possession of 6,406 images, of which 95 were level five, 2,011 level four and the remaining 4,300 between levels three and one.

Mr Webster said: “This is a man who not only pursued his own interests in paedophile material, but who actively engaged with others on the internet in chat rooms, where he indulged his fantasies encouraging others to discuss paedophile activity.”

He said there was no evidence Williams created any indecent images.

Representing Williams, Andrew Morse said Williams assisted the police throughout the investigation and accepted his behaviour needs to be addressed.

Judge Mark Furness sentenced Williams to two years in prison.

Williams must register as a sex offender for 10 years and was also made the subject of a 10-year Sexual Offences Prevention Order restricting his use of the internet.