ASSEMBLY members called on more support to be given to Lloyds TSB workers in Newport following the announcement that 70 jobs are under threat.

The Argus reported yesterday that the 70 posts, based at the Tredegar Park site, are at risk as part of the banking giant’s ongoing integration programme.

Around 200 jobs are affected in total.

All affected employees have been briefed by their line manager and the company has stated it will look at all other options before making compulsory redundancies.

But AMs yesterday called for more support for the workers involved.

South Wales East AM William Graham said: "This is devastating news for those involved, along with their families. The Assembly needs to work with Lloyds TSB and make sure that any available support is given to those affected by the announcement."

South Wales East AM Mohammad Asghar added: "Labour-Plaid ministers urgently need to consider what assistance they will be giving to those hit by this news as they either look for new positions or choose to re-skill."

South Wales East AM, Veronica German said: "This yet again illustrates the importance of keeping the jobs at Newport passport office. I hope Lloyds understand that compulsory redundancies really must be the very last resort they undertake."

Newport East AM John Griffiths said: "Compulsory redundancy must be a last resort and the company must ensure they work with the unions and the workforce. It is really, really worrying at the amount of jobs being cut in the area recently."

Newport West AM Rosemary Butler said: "This is yet another blow to the economy of Newport.

"I hope that Lloyds will do everything possible to save all the remaining 900 jobs there, and that if people do have to go it really will be on a voluntary basis."