A LOCAL dog walker has gone above and beyond for his community after he has picked up an estimated 9,000 bags of litter.

Lyndon Moxham, 64, takes his two dogs, Toby and Prince, for a daily walk and on his journey helps the local environment by picking up litter from around Sebastopol.

He has done this for 25 years and has noted that the problematic areas are around the cycle track running through Sebastopol and Pontymoile canal.

Mr Moxham, who lives in Austin Road with his two dogs, said: "I have been doing it for about 25 years. Litter looks unsightly and I want the area looking tidy for other walkers. I have always been a lover of the countryside and thought that while I'm out walking I may as well do it otherwise it would stay a mess."

Mr Moxham ususually collects one big bag of rubbish on his daily round sometimes more depending on the time of year.

He explained that it gets especially busy around Christmas because of fly tipping and after the weekend because of drink cans and bottles, which he says are usually left behind by youths who don't like him very much.

He even takes the time to sort the litter and rescue what he can for recycling. Other dog walkers leave their used dog-waste bags on the side of pavements and Mr Moxham is now accustomed to having to pick up these too.

He always picks up after his dogs and doesn't understand why other dog walkers can't do the same.

Mr Moxham said: "If I see any large items then I report it to the council. I have a list of contacts to report to, they probably think I’m a nuisance but someone’s got to do it."

He has been recognised before for his efforts and thanked on numerous occasions by local councillors who appreciate the work he is doing on behalf of the community. Mr Moxham.

Cllr Cynthia Beynon said: "He is a tribute to his community, he works selflessly all week to keep the canal clean and free from rubbish. Thank you for all you do in Panteg ward."

Having been a factory worker all his life, he took retirement from Burton's Foods two years ago. As well as clearing litter for the community he is also a member of the neighbourhood watch.

He added: "I go swimming twice a week. I am pretty fit so as long as I’m fit I will continue."