THIS 17-year-old from Beechwood is the latest contestant in our Young Gwent Artist of the Year competition.

Hartridge High School sixth-former Kara Campbell has entered her artwork 'Mystical Stallion'.

There's still time to take part in the competition if you haven't yet entered - with a deadline set for February 25.

Miss Campbell said that her artwork, which was her final piece for her GCSE Art course last year, was inspired by Aboriginal art she was exposed to during her coursework.

It features a painting of a horse, made out of lots of tiny hands.

“I was thinking about all the tribal ancestors. It’s a little bit different for me,” she said.

Miss Campbell, who is hoping to study art at university, said it was exciting to be taking part in the competition.

There's £1,500 of prize money up for grabs for winners and runners-up in the Young Gwent Artist of the Year's two age categories.

The winner will be awarded £500 and a trophy, while runners-up will get £250 each. The Riverfront will host the shortlisted pieces.

To take part in the joint University of Wales, Newport, and Riverfront Theatre competition all you have to do is submit an original piece of art.

The art work can be either a picture or a sculpture. The two age categories are children up to and including 11 years old, and 12 to 18 years.

Works, no bigger than six feet by six feet, should be submitted to South Wales Argus deputy editor Nicole Garnon.

Items should be brought to our Cardiff Road office in Newport where they will be stored.

Find out how to enter