NEWPORT'S state-of-the-art £600 million power station was officially opened yesterday, said to be one of the most efficient of its kind in the UK.

First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones joined leaders from across the city at The Severn Power Station, Uskmouth, which has the capacity to produce enough electricity to power around 1.5 million homes.

The plant, owned by DONG Energy, took less than three years to construct, after Denmark's leading energy company purchased it from Welsh Power in 2009.

Visitors were shown around the power station, which has an electrical efficiency of nearly 58 per cent, making sure natural resources are used as sparingly as possible.

This is because when the gas turbine produces electricity, surplus heat generates more power via a steam turbine.

Steam is also recycled, converted back to water and re-used in the Heat Recovery Steam Generator.

On its own, the power station is capable of meeting more than one per cent of the UK peak electricity demand.

It is run via a control room, which is manned by operators at all times.

Siemens has 36 staff employed at the site to cover operation and maintenance service- a total of 1,000 people were involved in the construction phase.

Currently, extra sound proofing is being installed which will keep noise to a minimum.

  • Earlier in the day, the first minister opened a new multi-million pound building at Coleg Gwent Cross Keys.

The next generation facilities include 25 classrooms, a performing arts theatre, learning centre and rooftop garden.

It also boasts many ‘green’ features including rainwater harvesting and solar thermal panels.

Students began using the building in September.