WE share the view of those, including the Prime Minister, who say that it is wrong for prisoners to be able to vote.

It is also wrong that the European Court, made up of unelected judges, should be allowed to make rules that over-ride elected politicians in a sovereign state.

It is clearly abhorrent that people serving time for crime should be allowed to decide on who their lawmakers should be while they are still incarcerated. They can vote again, in most cases, when they have paid their debt to society.

But a greater issue, perhaps, concerns our right to decide in this country.

Human rights laws from Europe have caused immense difficulty for the UK and it may be that this issue could be the catalyst for us actually having the gumption to break away and create our own bill of rights.

These would exclude votes for prisoners and, more crucially, allow us to kick terror suspects out of the country forthwith. Surely that is something worth going into battle for?