A NEWPORT man is researching the life of a pianist who entertained the nation when variety was king - despite the fact he was born without arms.

A Bettws man is piecing together the tale of Tommy Twinkletoes, whose name was the headliner on billboards outside music halls and fairgrounds across the UK as The Armless Pianist, and who played the piano with his feet.

Colin Barne, 70, has researched into the life of the fairground wonder following a number of letters sent in by our readers trying to find out more about the pianist with a difference.

His research includes pictures of the artist performing at the London Palladium in 1960.

Believed to have been born around 1915, Tommy Twinkletoes lived in Maesglas Crescent, Newport, with his mother and around six siblings.

With no arms, which his mother is believed to have blamed on a horse which scared her while she was pregnant, Tommy Twinkletoes, whose real name was Tom Jacobsen, decided to make a living out of entertaining the nation with his feet.

This ranged from using them to perform simple everyday tasks such as holding a knife and fork or shaving to playing the piano, painting pictures and even firing a rifle.

The novelty act, who is described as "a headline attraction on variety hall and travelling shows" in the National Fairground Archive, toured the nation performing at fairground shows and theatrical halls.

Mr Barne said: "My friend Alec James, who lives in Newport, remembers seeing Tommy Twinkletoes playing the piano and sewing at Wharf Road around 1960 but these photos also show he played at the London Palladium at that time too.

"My friend remembered him being thin and having a moustache."

Pictures also show Tommy Twinkletoes was married and had a daughter named Diane.

But what happened to him, and how he died, currently remain a mystery for Mr Barne.

He said: "It is very interesting finding out about him and if any readers know any more information I hope they will write in and help put the full story of Tommy Twinkletoes together."

  • Do you remember seeing Tommy Twinkletoes or were you related to him?

Call Ruth Mansfield on 01633 777231.