A NANTYGLO man punched a man to the ground before kicking and stamping on him, after he was disturbed interfering with a car, a court heard.

Kyle Roberts, 23, of Beacon View, appeared in Newport Crown Court for sentencing, having previously pleaded guilty to assaulting Jonathan Morgan causing him actual bodily harm.

Prosecutor Gareth James said the incident happened at around 11.15pm on January 20, 2010, when Mr Morgan, 19, saw Roberts interfering with a car belonging to his neighbour in River Row, Pontnewynydd.

Mr James said Mr Morgan decided to shout at Roberts to see if he could scare him away, but Roberts approached him and punched him in the face. The court heard Roberts punched Mr Morgan again causing him to fall to the floor and then punched and stamped on him, before running off.

Mr Morgan suffered bruising, swelling and superficial cuts to his face and was taken to hospital for treatment.

Roberts was arrested in the early hours of January 21, denied any involvement in police interview and was bailed pending further inquiries. He was picked out in an identity procedure in July.

Representing Roberts, Stephen Thomas said there was no doubt that it was a "nasty" assault, but it was "impulsive and spontaneous" and Roberts had no intention to assault anyone when he went out that night.

Judge David Morris said: "This was a nasty and brutal attack by you. It was entirely unprovoked and although I accept that it was spontaneous and not pre-planned and no weapon was used other than your foot, nonetheless it was a serious offence in its own kind."

Roberts was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment suspended for two years and made the subject of two-year supervision order. He was also ordered to complete 100 hours unpaid work.