A BRYNMAWR woman falsely claimed her ex-husband's pension, a court heard.

Bernice Robinson, 46, of Heol Derw, appeared in Newport Crown Court to be sentenced for making false representations, having previously pleaded guilty in the magistrates court.

Prosecutor Gareth James said Robinson was divorced from her ex-husband, John Robinson, but when Mr Robinson moved out he did not notify his private pension company, the Prudential, of his change of address.

The court heard Prudential wrote to Mr Robinson when he turned 65 offering him the option of taking a lump sum of his pension and setting up a monthly payment.

Mr James said Robinson completed the form asking for a lump sum to be paid into her account, followed by monthly payments.

Prudential refused to pay the money into another person's account, but paid a lump sum of £4,396 followed by monthly payments of £68.42 after receiving a call from a man claiming to be Mr Robinson.

Mr James said the deception came to light in June 2009 when Mr Robinson, who was claiming benefits, received a letter to say he had been overpaid by £1,000, as he had received a lump sum from his pension.

He said the fraud took place over a number of months and the total overpayment was £5,148.19.

Representing Robinson, Harry Baker said there was no financial settlement when Robinson separated from her husband and she had expressed genuine remorse.

Judge David Morris said: "You were thoroughly dishonest in the perpetration of this offence. Having seen the opportunity to take advantage of your former husband's pension arrangements you set about a very well-planned and determinedly administered piece of deception."

Judge Morris made Robinson the subject of a two-year community order, with requirements to be decided by the probation service.