AN IRAQ war veteran who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was given a community order on Friday for punching his girlfriend following a drunken row.

Martin Williams, 24, attacked his partner Cerys Morgan after the pair had been drinking heavily on New Year's Eve, Newport Magistrates Court heard.

Williams, of Blaen Blodau Street, Newbridge, pleaded guilty to one count of assault last month.

Magistrates heard Williams and Miss Morgan, who live together, had a New Year's party at home with friends, during which they both drank heavily.

After watching the firework display on TV, Miss Morgan said Williams got aggressive and nasty, shouting "punch me" at her.

Williams then smashed her mobile phone on the floor before she threw an empty lager bottle, which smashed the screen of a laptop.

During the row, Miss Morgan's sister Emma tried to separate the pair, but Williams grabbed his girlfriend's collar and punched her in the face, Miss Morgan said she thought her nose was broken as blood was pouring from it.

Williams left the house with Miss Morgan on the kitchen floor, crying and screaming. She suffered a black eye, numbness to her nose and a swollen upper lip.

Representing himself, Williams told the court: "Since leave the Army, I've had troubles with drink and aggression - my partner is sticking by me and we're trying to work together. I feel sick for what I did and I'm ashamed for what I've done, I'm deeply sorry."

The couple are still together.

Williams served in the army in Iraq but was medically discharged in 2008 and was diagnosed with PTSD.

He is undergoing counselling with a psychiatrist to help with his condition and magistrates gave him a 12-month community order, which includes work to tackle his alcohol misuse. He must also pay £45 costs.