This week, Anyday Theatre, a fledgling new theatre company based in Newport, brought to life the Shakespearean classic 'Hamlet' in a site specific performance in the foyer of the Dolman Theatre.

Exploring the complexity of themes, from revenge to fate, each individual performer understood the depth of their characterisation from the word action!

'To be or not to be? That is the question.' Calum Small's stunning performance of Prince Hamlet certainly lived up to the expectations of the legendary Shakespeare role. His clarity of voice and understanding through each speech and moment of the play, was accomplished in the most professional, believable manner. The strong performances continued, with the eavesdropping Polonius, played by Uriel Walker and the conniving Claudius - Russell Walker, who also tackled the haunting role of Ghost.

One of the most memorable performances was that of Ophelia, played by Samantha Alice Jones. Her transition to madness had the audience hooked on her every move; incredibly talented. Scott Bryant, who multi-roled throughout, showed us just how much young performers deserve a chance these days; his presence and expressions were faultless.

Credit must be given to director Kevin Myers, who brought out the eery atmosphere of the play brilliantly.

We hope to see more of this calibre of performance from this exciting theatre company in the future.