DETAILS of how the Royal Welsh regiment will celebrate being granted the Freedom of Blaenau Gwent have been revealed.

Soldiers from regiment will march through the streets of Ebbw Vale on Saturday, with Taffy the Regimental Goat will leading the Freedom Parade in front of The Regimental Band and Corps of Drums of the Royal Welsh and followed by around 50 soldiers from 2nd Battalion The Royal Welsh.

It will be the first time the regiment will exercise its right to march through the town after they were granted Freedom of the County Borough in recognition of their heroism and devotion to duty in the service of others, earlier this month.

The regiment has deployed companies to Afghanistan since 2009 and B Company is due to return home at the end of February.

The parade starts at 11.30am from the steel clock in Ebbw Vale town centre following the presentation of the Freedom Scroll by Blaenau Gwent mayor, councillor Brian Thomas.

Blaenau Gwent council leader, Cllr Des Hillman, said: “I am proud that Blaenau Gwent council has pledged its full support to bestowing the Freedom of the County Borough on The Royal Welsh in honour of the brave men and women who serve in our armed forces every day - many of them, of course, from Blaenau Gwent.

“I extend an invitation to everyone to please join us on this very important and proud day.”