IT was interesting to read that some doctors are now calling for drunks to pay for their treatment at A&E wards.

It is sad to report that the numbers of drink related cases in hospitals, particularly at weekends, has more than doubled in the past 10 years alone.

The cost of treating these 'patients' has risen £2.7bn per year and will have risen to £3.8bn by 2015 according to reports.

We feel it is time the governments in Westminster and Cardiff took a stronger line against drunks who use up valuable medical resource and often cause mayhem in A&E wards.

Both the English and Welsh governments need to take a tougher line (something we've been saying for years).

In our view drunks should be kept away from A&E wards and treated in special units.

They SHOULD then be made to pay for their treatment, and be obliged to attend alcohol awareness classes.

Meanwhile legitimate patients can be treated in emergency wards without the distraction and the unpleasantness that occurs when the drinkers are brought in.